
“Mathematics is the most beautiful and most powerful creation of the human spirit.”

Recording Acapella

Recently, I found a great source of learning acapella recording, editing and mixing. The website is called Here is some random notes I made during learning this material. We...

AI 音乐学习

AI 唱歌 原视频 原博客 github 教程 so-vits-svc github地址 sadtalker github地址 模型训练。so-vits-svc 自己配置开发环境。音色A -> 音色B. 训练数据必须是干声,尽量覆盖各个音调,训练数据至少2个小时。或者用uvr分离出干声,然后用audio slicer (slicer-gui.exe)...



This essay is just sth random about an imaginary football match in my high school. Nothing serious here… 这篇文章的原标题是“第66届钢三花杯足球赛解说稿”。当时是在武钢三中就读的时候有段时间闲的无聊写的爽文。以下名字均为化名。 钢三电视台,钢三电视台,现在为你转播钢三花杯决赛。赛场上...


10 book reviews of Anyway, the Race Is Long in Chinese. You can buy the book from Amazon, Korean edition. 现在还没开学,所以还有点时间看看书。这本书的中文译本也没有晦涩难懂的文字,所以很适合饭前饭后、睡觉前看。 这本书中文译名叫《反正竞赛还很长》。在前言部分(严格来说这个应该是ch...

Cook Misc

Here are two cook recipes I saved a long time ago. 刀削面 秒杀吉野家的照烧肥牛–下厨房 还有些其他的拿手菜,简单好做,在此也推荐给大家。 卤牛肉 小炒牛肉 冷吃杏鲍菇 辣子鸡 农家小炒肉 口水鸡, 口水鸡2 葱烧豆腐 红烧玉子豆腐 虎皮凤爪, option 2。推荐...

LaTeX Misc

This post is a combination of two old posts. Lecture notes Since cross references in lecture notes are important, I created a template for theorem/lemma/proposition… blocks with beamer skin and pr...

Simple Unrar Code

I want to find a command line code or bash script to unrar all the files in subfolder. This is can be easily done by: 1 find Photos/ -name '*.rar' -execdir unrar e {} \; However, this will outpu...

Music & Physics Blueprint

This is a mix of music and physics study plans. Music Here is what they called traditional 4 parts of composition (传统四大件): 和声 Harmony 配器 Orchestration 曲式 Musical form 复调 Polyphony Phys...

Wow! This is amazing!

Today I found that my birthday appears at the 142,006,072nd decimal digit of Pi, and 178,543,542rd decimal digit of e, and 75,787,723rd decimal digit of the square root of 2, and 64,867,620th decim...